Hoda Mould's continuous investment in our mould making facilities has kept the company at the forefront of quality injection mould making. Backed by our experienced mould making and management personnel, our philosophy is...

Quality comes first, forever first.

1.manufacture moulds with automatically unscrewing and double-color functions.

2.State of the art equipment and 24-hour operations to meet your needs.

3.Short lead-time.

Mould Trials.

At Hoda Mould, we fully test all moulds in-house and trials are conducted on state of the art machines and ancillary equipment.

Trial reports and process data are provided to the client for rapid start up and all clients can be assured of tight quality control that guarantees an excellent product. Mould trial samples will be provided together with inspection reports. We offer four hours continuous moulding on the final mould trial (on request).

In order to ensure the quality of mould design, we will, on customers' request, utilize rapid prototyping and CNC technology in manufacturing prototypes. In this way, defects of products can be diminished before mould-making, thus guaranteeing products' functions and appearances are designed at their best.